Duck, Goose & Chicken Hatchery

Customer Stories and Helpful Advice About Ducks & Geese

We want to hear your stories concerning your ducks or geese!
Please email us about your special waterfowl experiences.

We are often asked questions for which we do not have an answer. But maybe you have that answer. Please email us about your special waterfowl experiences. We are interested in any special stories or unique situations you encountered with your ducks or geese, things such as: If you are willing to share your email, let us know and we will put the best stories on this webpage. As you see, your name or email will not be included.

For all the rest of you that want to learn more about waterfowl, read through these many stories. Some are funny and some are sad, but all fascinatingly insightful about the world of ducks and geese.