Duck, Goose & Chicken Hatchery

Giblet Wine Sauce


Reserve goose liver for other uses.  Chop remaining goose giblets and set aside.  Pour 2 tbls. reserved goose fat into a 2-3 quart pan and set over medium-high heat.  Add giblets; cook, stirring, until well browned.  Add 1 small onion, chopped; cook, stirring, until golden.  Add 2 cups water; 1 chicken bouillon cube; 1 stalk celery, cut into pieces; 1 bay leaf; and 1/4 tsp. dry thyme leaves.  Bring to boil; then reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours while goose roasts.
To browned particles in roasting pan, add hot giblet-vegetable mixture; scrape browned bits free.  Pour mixture through a wire strainer into a 1-2 quart pan; discard residue.  Boil liquid rapidly to reduce to 1 1/4 cups.  Add 1/2 cup port; return to a boil.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Serve as is; or, if desired, thicken juices by stirring in 1 1/2 tbls. cornstarch mixed with 1 1/2 tbls. water.  Stir until sauce boils and thickens (about 1 minute)