Duck, Goose & Chicken Hatchery

Customer Stories and Helpful Advice About Ducks & Geese

Babies Scared by First Stormy Night

Well, it was very stormy overnight here in Mt. Holly with lots of thunder and lightning. Imagine my surprise when I got up at 2:30 to go to the bathroom only to find Howard the goose sitting in the floor near my door. Apparently he got out of his baby bed and tried to find his daddy (me) to make all the scary things stop. I put him back to bed only to find my young Blue Swede, Lilly, yelling for me in the tub where he sleeps. So off to bed with daddy he went and fell fast asleep while the windows lit up and the thunder rumbled. Dewey, being an old veteran of storms, just stayed calm and slept. It was a fun night.